Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Exercise tips to help you through the Silly Season!

Hi everyone,

Well there are only 10 more sleeps till Christmas, how exciting. Crazy times for all. Christmas time means for most some time off work, catching up with the family and usually eating and drinking a lot!.
We have some helpful tips that will hopefully help you maintain your health and fitness over the Christmas period:

**  You really might not feel like exercising at this time of year and it's easy to find excuses. Try telling yourself "I will just do 20 minutes". Usually once you're started and you get to your 20 minutes your in the zone and can complete your workout. Mind over matter.

** Take the opportunity to spend the time with your kids whilst on holidays. Incidental exercise like running around with the children is the best as you don't even realise you're exercising, you're having a great time and you're spending it with your loved ones. Whether it be walking the dog together, going for a swim, hitting the beach or even a game of backyard cricket.

** Why not treat yourself to some new workout gear for Xmas, a great excuse to go shopping!

** Schedule your workout session in your diary so it becomes part of your daily schedule. If you can get up even just a half hour earlier than normal, you can get your workout all done before breakfast so no need for excuses come the afternoon and you've set yourself up for a positive day.

** Being on holidays doesn't mean you have to become a couch potato. Try active outings with the family. Why not go out for a bike ride or a bush walk. Take a picnic and make a day of it. The kids will love it too.

** Xmas is the perfect time for catching up with friends. Instead of meeting for coffee and cake (as tempting as it is!) why not go for a walk instead. You can catch up on all the goss and get some exercise done at the same time.

** Don't give up. If you do happen to miss a workout session or you do have that piece of cake, don't worry about it. You don't then have to write off the whole week, just forget about it and move on and be active and healthy as soon as you can again.

Well that's all from us today. Stay tuned for next weeks blog on "New Years Resolutions"!

Deb and Gwen

Friday, November 19, 2010


Hi all, what a crazy few weeks we have had. Right back into it all again.
Now you may have heard the term Interval Training which has
gained a lot of attention recently and if you are new to exercising might be wondering what on earth it is.
Interval training to put simply is high intensity bursts of exercise. Interval training has prove to burn fat, boost your metabolic rate and improve aerobic fitness more quickly than by doing an hour long session
at the same pace. Interval training is especially great for those of us that are time poor. It helps break through weight loss and fitness plateaus. Increases energy. Increases appetite suppression. Prevents boredom. But best of all it is easy to do and works for everyone, from beginners to the superfit.
You can incorporate interval training into any type of exercise or sport.
An example at a beginners level in cycling is to firstly do a 5 min warm-up. Then do 3 minutes at 50-60% effort, then really crank it up and go hard and do 1 minute high intensity workout. Then back down for another 3 minutes for active recovery. You would repeat this as many times as you are able in a session.
As you get fitter you can gradually reduce the Active recovery time.
This type of training really shocks the body and you will certainly know you are alive at the end of it.
Until next time, happy training
Gwen and Deb :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Morning all, well the silly season is fast approaching us. It's a crazy, fun part of the year usually with lots of functions and parties to attend. It's also usually a time when our exercise and nutrition routine goes out the window. But it doesn't have to. By making a mental note of when these functions are happening, writing them in your diary or on the calendar you can be prepared and organised to fit your exercise in and still maintain a healthy diet. If you know you have a big weekend planned where there will be lots of yummy but maybe unhealthy food, or alcohol will be involved, why not do a big exercise session in the morning so you can have that extra glass of wine or some mini quiches or whatever takes you fancy. Knowing that you're exercise is already done for the day, you won't feel so guilty about having a few treats. The worst thing to do is arrive at these functions being absolutely starving and eating everything and anything in site. Have a bite to eat at home before you leave so you are not so hungry. Find some low alcohol alternatives or alternate with a drink of water in between. By being prepared and organised you are more likely to make smarter eating choices and still be doing some form of exercise every day. You can have you're cake and eat it too, just a small slice not the whole thing!
Till next time, have a great week! Gwen and Deb

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is Exercise Alone Enough????

Tough question - but unless you have super fast metabolism or exercise 5 hours a day - the quick answer is NO, exercise is not enough.

To lose weight AND keep it off, you need to exercise and change what you eat.  That does not mean going through the cupboard and throwing out everything that contains fat and sugar.  It means that you need to educate yourself on what you are eating and how you can change what you are eating to make your body healthier.

Our bodies are complex systems - if you don't eat enough food your metabolism will slow down as your body goes into starvation mode.

Getting fit is not easy but if you exercise 30 minutes a day (remember these can be in 10 minute bursts throughout the day) 5 to 6 times a week and keep an HONEST food diary (remember you are the only one who will see it ) you will be on your way to a fitter and healthier future.

And please remember treat foods are not all that bad if you limit your intake of them!

Till next time

Gwen and Deb

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's not all about Cardio

For many reasons a lot of us believe that Cardio workouts are the only way we can go about burning calories and losing weight. Whilst it is important to have several cardio sessions a week in our exercise program, it is just as important to have at least 2 sessions of strength training, using weights, as well. During cardio sessions, we burn calories whilst we are actually doing the exercise, strength training workouts have the added bonus of continued calorie burning a few hours after we have worked out. Strength training has so many other benefits such as boosting your metabolism, increasing bone density (which is especially important for women once they hit their thirties and beyond) and it is great to help reshape your body.

The aim for this sort of training is to combine upper and lower body, complete 8-12 reps, with the last few reps requiring all your effort, and completing 2-3 sets of each exercise. Some examples include bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder press, chest press and leg press just to name a few. These exercises can be incorporated with squats and lunges as well to get that full body workout by working more muscles at the one time.

To start with many people find it easier to use the machines at the gym and then move onto free weights. If you're not able to access the gym, you could purchase various size dumbbells or even just using cans of food you have in your kitchen.

So why not give it a go, venture into the "other" side and give strength training a go. Good luck :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Goal Setting - To make it hard, easy or somewhere in between?

Setting goals for your fitness journey can be challenging.  You need to sit down, with your trainer if you have one, and focus on what you want to achieve.  This could be something as simple as "I want to exercise to have some "me" time" or something more complex like "I want to exercise to lose 10 kilos and improve my health".  Neither of these are easy goals.  Sure the first goal may sound nice and easy but how hard is it to actually get out of the house to exercise?  The problem with the second one is time - you have to realise that it is not going to happen overnight.

It is important when you are setting goals that you are REALISTIC in your goal setting.  We like to suggest that people use the SMART system when setting goals:

S - the goals have to be SPECIFIC - I want me time is not specific enough - I want 30 minutes of ME time 4
times a week is!
M - the goals have to be MEASURABLE - I want to lose weight is not measurable - I want to lose 5 kg is!
A - ATTAINABLE - I want to lose 5 kgs in 2 weeks is NOT attainable - I want to lose 5 kg in 6 weeks is!
R - RESULTS ORIENTATED- when I lose 5 kg I will treat myself - not so good - when I lose 5kg I am going to have a facial
T - TIMELY - put a time frame on your goals - I want to lose 5 kg or I want to exercise to have ME time is not right - You need to put a time frame on it - Starting today I am going to have ME time by exercising - Starting today I am going to start to exercise to reach my goal of 5kg lost in 6 weeks.

Also remember that it is important to reassess your goals frequently as even the best laid plans can be derailed.

Till next time

Gwen and Deb

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you having trouble getting started????

We know how hard it can be to start an exercise program. 

There are many ways to get started, the thought that "gee if I pay $500 for a gym membership I will HAVE to go" - we all know that this doesn't always work, then there is the "if  lay my exercise clothes out BEFORE i go to bed at night I will definitely get up early" - yeah right!

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you DO go and complete your exercise routine is the simplest one - schedule it in.  I can hear you say, "but I don't have a diary", this may be true but I am guessing that you probably do have a phone that you can place appointments in, an email program that has a diary component or a calendar hanging in the kitchen - some of you may have all of these.

Once you begin to treat your exercise as an appointment, you will form a habit and then you will no longer be sitting there saying "tomorrow I will start my program" because you will have already started!

Have a great day

Gwen and Deb

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stressed Out

Just a quick blog this afternoon!  If you are feeling stressed or down in the dumps we have the solution for you!

Go to the cupboard and put on your joggers, grab your ipod/MP3 player and go for a walk.  When we exercise we release endorphins which make us happy!!!!

So next time you are not feeling the happiest grab those shoes and get those endorphins flowing!!!

Till next time

Deb and Gwen

Monday, September 13, 2010

Early Mornings are best!

Being the busy mums (and dads) that we are, most of us struggle to find any time to scratch ourselves, let alone get some exercise done. Early morning workouts are great! Yes it may mean getting yourself out of bed half hour or an hour before the kids, but that time will then be all yours. Whether it be an early morning walk so the other half can look after the kids, or pop on an exercise dvd in the lounge, or set yourself up a mini circuit of exercises. Once you get started you will be amazed how quickly the time goes and before you know it you're cooling down and feeling fantastic, ready to start the day. By doing your workouts in the morning, you know that they are done and nothing else can get in the way throughout the day to stop you from getting time. Most of us are exhausted by the end of the day to even think about hitting the gym or pounding the pavement. Another benefit also is that if you're able to do your workout before you have some breakfast your body will be burning the fat stores big time. Good luck and stay tuned for more hints and tips.
Deb and Gwen

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Its a New Week - Let's get Started!

If you have been thinking about making a change in your life - the start of a n week is an excellent time to start.  Remember it is easier to do baby steps than radical change - this is particularly true with your nutrition. 

A great place to start with your nutrition is to write down everything - including the odd Tiny Teddy that you take from the kids - and you can see just how much food you do actually eat.  We recommend a website called Calorie King - - this site is great you can record what you eat and it will breakdown the calories into fat, carbs, sugars etc. - it is amazing to be able to see just what the food you consume is made up of.

On the exercise front - if you have kids why not go for a walk with them to the park - it may not seem much but this is actually exercise with the bonus of having fun with your children and family at the same time - pushing the kids on the swing = an excellent upper body workout - if you push them with a split stance (one foot forward one back) it is a great backside workout too!

Till next time!

Gwen and Deb

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I don't have time to Exercise

Does this sound familiar?  We all suffer from lack of time.  We suggest that you set aside 30 minutes a day dedicated to YOU and your fitness

If 30 minutes in one blaock of time is too hard we suggest that you set aside 2  x 15 minutes blocks or even 3 x 10 minute blocks of time each day.  I can hear you thinking - how is this going to help me, I don't have any equipment, I don't have the time or money to go to a gym.  We are here to tell you that you can use things from your own home to get started on your fitness program!  It does not have to be hard - one 10 minute block could be simply stepping up and down on a step - there is 10 minutes of cardio done and dusted! You can do pushups on the kitchen bench while you are making your morning cup of tea - crunches and stretching while watching tv at night - the options are endless!

Stay tuned for more ideas and welcome to our Blog - we hope you find it enjoyable and helpful!

Deb and Gwen