Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Exercise tips to help you through the Silly Season!

Hi everyone,

Well there are only 10 more sleeps till Christmas, how exciting. Crazy times for all. Christmas time means for most some time off work, catching up with the family and usually eating and drinking a lot!.
We have some helpful tips that will hopefully help you maintain your health and fitness over the Christmas period:

**  You really might not feel like exercising at this time of year and it's easy to find excuses. Try telling yourself "I will just do 20 minutes". Usually once you're started and you get to your 20 minutes your in the zone and can complete your workout. Mind over matter.

** Take the opportunity to spend the time with your kids whilst on holidays. Incidental exercise like running around with the children is the best as you don't even realise you're exercising, you're having a great time and you're spending it with your loved ones. Whether it be walking the dog together, going for a swim, hitting the beach or even a game of backyard cricket.

** Why not treat yourself to some new workout gear for Xmas, a great excuse to go shopping!

** Schedule your workout session in your diary so it becomes part of your daily schedule. If you can get up even just a half hour earlier than normal, you can get your workout all done before breakfast so no need for excuses come the afternoon and you've set yourself up for a positive day.

** Being on holidays doesn't mean you have to become a couch potato. Try active outings with the family. Why not go out for a bike ride or a bush walk. Take a picnic and make a day of it. The kids will love it too.

** Xmas is the perfect time for catching up with friends. Instead of meeting for coffee and cake (as tempting as it is!) why not go for a walk instead. You can catch up on all the goss and get some exercise done at the same time.

** Don't give up. If you do happen to miss a workout session or you do have that piece of cake, don't worry about it. You don't then have to write off the whole week, just forget about it and move on and be active and healthy as soon as you can again.

Well that's all from us today. Stay tuned for next weeks blog on "New Years Resolutions"!

Deb and Gwen