Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Morning all, well the silly season is fast approaching us. It's a crazy, fun part of the year usually with lots of functions and parties to attend. It's also usually a time when our exercise and nutrition routine goes out the window. But it doesn't have to. By making a mental note of when these functions are happening, writing them in your diary or on the calendar you can be prepared and organised to fit your exercise in and still maintain a healthy diet. If you know you have a big weekend planned where there will be lots of yummy but maybe unhealthy food, or alcohol will be involved, why not do a big exercise session in the morning so you can have that extra glass of wine or some mini quiches or whatever takes you fancy. Knowing that you're exercise is already done for the day, you won't feel so guilty about having a few treats. The worst thing to do is arrive at these functions being absolutely starving and eating everything and anything in site. Have a bite to eat at home before you leave so you are not so hungry. Find some low alcohol alternatives or alternate with a drink of water in between. By being prepared and organised you are more likely to make smarter eating choices and still be doing some form of exercise every day. You can have you're cake and eat it too, just a small slice not the whole thing!
Till next time, have a great week! Gwen and Deb

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is Exercise Alone Enough????

Tough question - but unless you have super fast metabolism or exercise 5 hours a day - the quick answer is NO, exercise is not enough.

To lose weight AND keep it off, you need to exercise and change what you eat.  That does not mean going through the cupboard and throwing out everything that contains fat and sugar.  It means that you need to educate yourself on what you are eating and how you can change what you are eating to make your body healthier.

Our bodies are complex systems - if you don't eat enough food your metabolism will slow down as your body goes into starvation mode.

Getting fit is not easy but if you exercise 30 minutes a day (remember these can be in 10 minute bursts throughout the day) 5 to 6 times a week and keep an HONEST food diary (remember you are the only one who will see it ) you will be on your way to a fitter and healthier future.

And please remember treat foods are not all that bad if you limit your intake of them!

Till next time

Gwen and Deb