Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not seeing the results?????

So you are working hard and putting in lots of effort and the results are not showing on the scales or in your clothes????

There is no easy answer but we suggest that you start making a food diary and record EVERYTHING that you eat.  That odd Tiny Teddy might not seem like much but they do add up!

You have had a great workout and think "I will reward myself" - and in most cases people will reward themselves with food!  This defeats the purpose of the great workout that you have just put yourself through! 

We suggest that when you are starting a fitness program and you are setting goals for yourself, you set a short term medium term and long term goal.  When these goals are reached reward yourself with a NON food item.  One of our favourites is a Pandora Bracelet!  Each goal you reach you reward yourself with a new bead :)

Another way to combat those food cravings is to allow yourself one cheat meal per week.  Not one cheat DAY, but a MEAL. 

Finally, remember that exercise alone will not give you results, you need to be accountable for what you eat as well.  Remember the food diary, generally you will be surprised with what you eat during a day.  We also suggest having a look at www.calorieking.com.au when you commence your diary.

Happy Training!